3CM Stone Logo

Phone Icon Blue 503.626.5150 19980 SW 112th Avenue, Tualatin OR 97062

Phone Icon 503.626.5150 | 19980 SW 112th Avenue, Tualatin OR 97062

Edge Profiles


These are a few of the more typical edges available. Most edges are performed with machined precision followed by a finishing touch by hand. Our skilled artisans ensure that no grind lines are left behind by the machining process.

Additionally, corners are smoothed by hand to remove any sharp edges left behind by the machining process. We are a quality shop, not a production only shop.

Flat Ease Polished
1/4" Bevel
1/4" Radius
3/8" Bevel
3/8" Radius
5/8" Radius
Full Bullnose
Surface Bullnose
(2) 1/4" Radius